hiking Whistler Mountain - July 2 2023 A quick couple summits with cell coverage for your on-call peakbagger
hiking DeBeck's Hill - July 1 2023 Decided to make a small hill more interesting by biking to it. Got harder than expected when my e-bike died on the way home :D
hiking Alouette Mountain - June 25 2023 A new "biggest hike since my injury", although a bit bigger than I was expecting
hiking Olivine Mountain - June 24 2023 The first and last "real hike" of our peak-hunting day in Tulameen
trashbagging Mount Riddell and Mount Rabbitt - June 24 2023 A couple trash peaks in Tulameen to start a day of dumpster diving
hiking West Knob - June 20 2023 A small bump on the west side of Black Mountain, but my first hike since getting hurt I think merits exiting "trashbagging" territory
hiking Tsee and Geodetic Peaks - June 17 2023 A supposedly simple, easy day turned into quite the ordeal, but 2 peaks were still salvaged out of it.
hiking Red & Red Steelhead Mountains - June 11 2023 My first multi-peak-day in a hot minute, even if they're all more like bumps :D
hiking Ottomite Mountain - June 10 2023 Had to drive a while to escape the rain, but eventually I managed to find a (relatively) dry bump to walk up!
hiking Loggers Lake Volcano - June 3 2023 After a successful test-run, it was time to step things up 1/4 of a notch, to a mighty "triple digit elevation gain" peak!
trashbagging Telegraph Hill - May 30 2023 After 2.5 months of idling and licking my wounds, I finally got cleared to hike again. This time I decided to be intelligent and start small
ski mountaineering Wedge Mountain - March 16-17 2023 A great ultra with a great friend, and a less than great ending :(
hiking Mount Saint Benedict - March 12 2023 A fun, easy peak with a couple of friends I hadn't got out with in a while. Could be linked w/ more peaks for a bigger day with time and the right party
ski mountaineering Mount Matier - March 11 2023 The system works! A couple awesome dudes saw some of my TRs and asked me to join them for Matier, and we had an awesome day.
ski mountaineering Fissile Peak - March 9 2023 Peak 2 of a fun ski touring/mountaineering day out in the Whistler backcountry
ski mountaineering Whirlwind Peak - March 9 2023 After having to turn around yesterday, I played scheduling jenga and managed to get myself another chance while conditions remained good, with success!
ski mountaineering Cowboy Ridge - March 8 2023 An originally "bagging-on-skis" turned abridged touring trip, but as long as I submit the peaks I did get as provisional, it counts as productive!
ski mountaineering Mount Sproatt - March 4 2023 A pretty simple touring objective with some excellent snow and great mellow skiing
ski mountaineering Hollyburn Mountain - March 2 2023 I had an appointment in the city this morning, so naturally I had to leverage needing to drive down to bad something!
trashbagging Crumpit - February 27 2023 A short, stupid, after-work attempt to ski something that shouldn't be skied
trashbagging Horstman Peak (Blackcomb N2) - February 18 2023 A nice mid-ski-day peak to add on to an excellent day on the resort. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one
ski mountaineering Gin Peak - February 15 2022 A nice pre-work (if one starts work late) tour/bag in some very nice snow!