hiking Red & Red Steelhead Mountains - June 11 2023 My first multi-peak-day in a hot minute, even if they're all more like bumps :D
hiking Ottomite Mountain - June 10 2023 Had to drive a while to escape the rain, but eventually I managed to find a (relatively) dry bump to walk up!
hiking Loggers Lake Volcano - June 3 2023 After a successful test-run, it was time to step things up 1/4 of a notch, to a mighty "triple digit elevation gain" peak!
hiking Mount Saint Benedict - March 12 2023 A fun, easy peak with a couple of friends I hadn't got out with in a while. Could be linked w/ more peaks for a bigger day with time and the right party
hiking Watts Summit and Nightmare Rock (Murrin Park) - January 9 2022 An unexpected road closure forced me into making a last-minute plan, so I made the best of it and went trashbagging at Murrin Lake
hiking Volcán Miravalles - December 14 2022 A vacation can't stop me from bagging peaks. In this case, it actually meant bagging an ultra instead!
hiking Rolie Polie Olie (Rolley Peak) - December 4, 2022 Not the peak we planned, but the peak we deserved?
hiking Lynn Peak - November 23 2022 (supposedly) quick pre-work hike since I had to drive down to the North Shore to see the doctor anyway. gotta be efficient!
hiking Empetrum Peak - October 22 2022 Just Cinder Cone would be a boring and inefficient day, so I decided to tack on Empetrum Peak as well
scrambling Mount Weart (Armchair Traverse) - October 16 2022 The second half of the Armchair Traverse, with much scrambling, a forest fire, dark descents, glaciers, and unmapped lakes, even. All sorts of fun on this one 😅
hiking Mount Cook (Armchair Traverse) - October 16 2022 Peak #1 of the Armchair Traverse. Not as much fun as the next half, but a good peak to check off the list nonetheless
scrambling Mount Robie Reid - October 8 2022 A long slog with a ton of elevation gain, but great views and great friends to share them with. Also lots of fun scrambling!
hiking Birkenhead Peak - October 2 2022 An ultra, some new friends, 3 peaks, a fantastic road taking us up to 1900m... what's not to like?
scrambling Coquihalla Mountain - September 30 2022 Not quite the triple-bag we hoped for, but we did take a rather unique route, and a p600m peak is still nice to check off
scrambling Black Tusk - September 25 2022 A failed attempt at the very rare true summit, but a fun hike nonetheless
hiking Cypress Peak - September 18 2022 A shorter but still fun follow-up day to Saturday's gallivanting
scrambling Mount Gillespie - September 17 2022 The second major peak I bagged Saturday. A fun scramble, with nice glacier views
hiking Seed Peak - September 17 2022 First peak out of a pair (three if you're peakbagger.com) on Saturday
hiking Golden Ears - September 11-12 2022 This peak (or these, counting the 2nd ear) have evaded me for far too long... this was long overdue
hiking Diamond Head - September 5 2022 The third peak in my second day of self-punishment this long weekend
hiking The Gargoyles - September 5 2022 After a grueling Saturday, time for a 30+km day with almost 2000 gain because I hate myself, apparently